Category: The Mind

First-of-Its Kind Psychedelic Research at John Hopkins

Psychedelics as a paradigm-shifting game-changer in the treatment of mental health disorders, and as tools for understanding the brain’s connection to mind and behavior. “Psychedelics are a fascinating class of compounds,” said Roland Griffiths, founding director of the new center and a professor of psychiatry

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Mindfulness. Stress Reduction. Performance

Travis Bradberry Researchers from the University of British Columbia recently pooled data from more than 20 studies to understand how practicing mindfulness affects the brain. While the researchers found significant changes in eight brain regions, there are two regions that are of particular importance to

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Effortless Manifestation

Manifestation is not effortless for you, you are doing it the hard way.  You see, when we remove whatever is blocking us from realizing and effortlessly manifesting our needs and desires, it begins to happen at the mere whim of a thought.  Many people do

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Illusions. The life of your mind.

We walk through the world as if in a dream. We seem to wake up each morning and engage the real world. We work and play, earn and pay. We live and love, we struggle and cry.  At night, we sleep and engage the dream

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