Category: Yoga Therapy

Yoga Heals Scoliosis

A single yoga pose each day may improve spine curvature for scoliosis patients Medical New Today, by Honor Whiteman A new study claims performing a single yoga pose for 90 seconds for at least 3 days a week could reduce spine curvature in patients with

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Yoga Therapy Sessions vs Yoga Classes

Although the nature of Yoga is to enhance well-being, there is a significant difference between a Yoga Teacher and a Yoga Therapist, a yoga class and a yoga therapy session, a yoga student and a yoga therapy client. While a Yoga Teacher’s goal is to

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First-of-Its Kind Psychedelic Research at John Hopkins

Psychedelics as a paradigm-shifting game-changer in the treatment of mental health disorders, and as tools for understanding the brain’s connection to mind and behavior. “Psychedelics are a fascinating class of compounds,” said Roland Griffiths, founding director of the new center and a professor of psychiatry

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Yoga & Injury

Women’s Flexibility Is a Liability (in Yoga) By William J. Broad Nov. 2, 2013 FROM my own practice and research, I know that yoga is generally a good thing. The bending, stretching and deep breathing can renew, calm, heal, strengthen, lift moods, lower the risk

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Yoga and Aging

Dr. Loren Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall Osteoporosis affects over 200 million individuals worldwide, and each year an estimated 1.5 million suffer a fracture due to bone disease. The risk of a fracture increases with age and is greatest in women. Roughly 4 in 10 white

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The Science Behind Yoga and Stress

Dr M Storoni, MD, PhD What does bending your body into yoga poses do to your brain chemistry and nerve connections? There are two functional parts of the brain that play a key role in stress. These serve the functions of emotion and cognitive function.

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The Incredible Healing Powers of Yoga

Corene McKinney While we are just beginning to comprehend in most Western cultures the incredible healing benefits of yoga, the yogis of India have been experiencing the therapeutic mind and body benefits of this ancient practice for thousands of years. The word yoga was first

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Reumatoid Arthritis and Ayurveda

 Rheumatic disease is a family of diseases that often affect the joints of the body with inflammation. Each disease presents with a unique cluster of typical symptoms. All of tend to include joint pain. Often, joint inflammation leads to joint destruction. The root word “Rheum”

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The Role of Yoga in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the healing side of yoga. Yoga is the spiritual side of Ayurveda. Together they are a complete path of understanding and developing body, mind and consciousness. When most people think of yoga, they think of exercise and stretching. But this is not really

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