Author: Antonina

Detox. Part 2

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Detox Pathways by Lacey Sethness Last week we introduced the general functions of both the liver and gall bladder in the process of detoxification. This week we take a more detailed look into each of these pathways in order to gain a more clear

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Detox: Toxins

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] by Lacey Sethness Enter the world of detoxification, learning all about the different pathways utilized by the body to keep us functioning, healthy and happy! “Detox” is a term that has a variety of meanings to different people, from drug and alcohol detoxification, to

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Detoxification! Part 1

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Everything You Need to Know About the Process, and How to Decide if it’s Appropriate For You. by Lacey Sethness With the completion of last week’s online Detox Summit, many of you who listened may now be asking the question, “Do I need to

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Cholesterol lowers inflammation!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Great Cholesterol Con: How to Naturally Lower Inflammation & Your Risk of Heart Disease by Lacey Sethness There is a major misconception that you must avoid foods like eggs and saturated fat to protect your heart. While it’s true that fats from animal

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Reumatoid Arthritis and Ayurveda

 Rheumatic disease is a family of diseases that often affect the joints of the body with inflammation. Each disease presents with a unique cluster of typical symptoms. All of tend to include joint pain. Often, joint inflammation leads to joint destruction. The root word “Rheum”

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Illusions. The life of your mind.

We walk through the world as if in a dream. We seem to wake up each morning and engage the real world. We work and play, earn and pay. We live and love, we struggle and cry.  At night, we sleep and engage the dream

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Recipe: Natural Healing Toothpaste

Rachel Grussi March 24, 2014 Fluoride is an issue. Usually associated with a trip to the dentist’s office, the FDA actually requires a poison warning on every toothpaste tube that has fluoride in it. And guess what? Over 95% of commercial toothpastes contain fluoride. Using

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We are Vitamin D deficient!

Science now proves that we are going through a vitamin D deficiency epidemic. As more and more scientific evidence emerges, confirming that currently recommended daily allowances (RDA) of vitamin D are grossly insufficient for young and old alike. It is estimated that 25 to 50

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The Role of Yoga in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the healing side of yoga. Yoga is the spiritual side of Ayurveda. Together they are a complete path of understanding and developing body, mind and consciousness. When most people think of yoga, they think of exercise and stretching. But this is not really

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Scientific discovery: Edible plants talk to Animal Cells

  A groundbreaking new study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research titled, “Interspecies communication between plant and mouse gut host cells through edible plant derived exosome-like nanoparticles,” reveals a new way that food components ‘talk’ to animal cells by regulating gene expression and conferring

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